Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Where to buy a Used Digital Camera

As digital cameras are becoming more and more reliable and the memory the latest lines of new cameras has increases to levels that are becoming more than an average user needs, one has to ask if buying a new digital camera is really the smart move.

Much like a car, a digital camera loses around 30% of its value as soon as it leaves the shop so with Christmas coming up and the fact that soon many people will be trying to get rid of their unwanted gifts, it will shortly be boom time in the used digital camera market.

Finding a used digital camera

Digital camera bargains can be found here if you have the time to dig through the local papers and specialist sales papers such as loot. The main problem with this method is that most of the time you don’t get to see the camera until is arrives in the post and you have to be prepared to make a lot of phone calls. Also if can be hard to find out who you are dealing with.

Ebay can be a great place to find a used digital camera. The main reasons for checking out ebay are that the main payment system ‘PayPal’ covers you against loss or damage up to a very reasonable £1000 and the feedback system which allows buyers to leave remarks about sellers means it is in the sellers interest to make sure that the sale completes as smoothly as possible. Most cameras sold on ebay have a photograph with the listing, which allow you to see what you are buying.

Specialist camera shops
Most camera shops have a line of used cameras, which they have taken in as part exchange for a new camera or bought of some poor chap down on his luck.
Buying a camera here is the most expensive way to buy a used digital camera, as the cameras that are on sale in these types of shop are always quite expensive for used cameras but the up side is that you will more than likely get a 3 to 6 month guarantee with your camera.

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